Letra y Significado de FOOL FOR YOUR LOVE, Wet Wet Wet

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And i heard a story all about you
That you never started
And maybe i can learn to give my cheek another turn
And so i'll drink your point of view
Blur my vision my feelings too
Sometimes i don't see, what your giving means to me

She's acting strangely,
And says her whole world is starting to turn
She's got a broken heart,
She's good at playing the part
I've been tricked again,
I've been a fool for your love

And everytime i've got it made,
You come and burn it all down, down
It's always something that i said, hey hey hey
And don't say a word, don't say anything
Don't even make a sound
And hear the rumours scream and shout, yeah

She's acting strangely,
And says her whole world is starting to turn
She's got a broken heart, she's good at playing the part
I've been tricked again, i've been a fool for your love

I remember the time when i first met her
Since that night i've been trying to hold it together, together

And i heard a story all about you,
You come and burn it all down, down
Don't say anything
And hear the rumours scream and shout, yeah

And i'm acting crazy, ‘cause my whole world has started to turn
I got a broken heart,
And i stand at playing the part
I've been tricked again, i'm still a fool for your love

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