Letra y Significado de EXCITABLE BOY, Warren Zevon

anonimo opina:

Puesto #1 Protagonizada por un chico que es capaz de morder la pierna a alguien o pasarse horas ordenando su comida, estos son solo unos primeros pasos que acaban con el chaval violando y matando a una chica para, diez años después de salir del psiquiátrico, desenterrar sus huesos y construirse una jaula con ellos.

Well, he went down to dinner in his sunday best
excitable boy, they all said
and he rubbed the pot roast all over his chest
excitable boy, they all said
well, he's just an excitable boy
He took in the four a.m. show at the clark
excitable boy, they all said
and he bit the usherette's leg in the dark
excitable boy, they all said
well, he's just an excitable boy
He took little suzie to the junior prom
excitable boy, they all said
and he raped her and killed her, then he took her home
excitable boy, they all said
well, he's just an excitable boy
after ten long years they let him out of the home
excitable boy, they all said
and he dug up her grave and built a cage with her bones
excitable boy, they all said
well, he's just an excitable boy

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