Letra y Significado de CARNIVAL, Vanessa Carlton

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Never thought it'd hurt so bad.
I just wanted to love you;
Never thought it'd hurt so bad.
Never thought it'd feel so right;
I was just thinking of you.
Never thought it'd feel so right.

It's the edge of the dawn when I look in your eyes
And I want what is ours before the light.
Don't you run from the show,
Cause I just want you to know that I love anyway,
And I will not let you go,
But you run everyday,
And I can't keep chasing you through this old
Carnival where the sun shines through.

Tell me it won't hurt.
Never thought it'd hurt so bad
Funny how the story ends.
Remember the beginning.
Funny how the story ends.
You Should never have looked so close.
I can see all your cracks
Should never have looked so close

It's the edge of the dawn when I look in your eyes
And I want what is ours before the light.
Don't you run from the show,
Cause I just want you to know that I love anyway,
And I will not let you go,
But you run everyday,
And I can't keep chasing you through this old
Carnival where the sun shines through.
Tell me it won't hurt.
Tell me it won't hurt. Tell me it won't hurt.
Tell me it won't hurt, Tell me it wont, but you run from the show
And I just want you to know that I love anyway
And I will not let you go, but you run everyday
And I can't keep chasing you through this old
Carnival where the sun shines through.

Tell me it won't hurt. Tell me it won't hurt.
I just wanted to love you.
Tell me it won't hurt.
I just wanted to love you.
Tell me... Tell me it won't hurt.
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