Letra y Significado de THE TREASON WALL, Tranquillity Dark

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Let me tell you about the loss of all
the failing of all that we hold dear
Wrapped up nicely in ourselves

Chaos resolves
that which order defiles
Worthless lives
are ordered blind

I don't believe
Taste and you will see
that all belongs to me
I don't believe
I won't believe

I raise my hand against it all
for those who don't recognize the call
Will the sense to overcome these nestled walls
Going to break it down

Let me nail you to the treason wall
stab the night and the day from your sight
And set the thought to flame

Feeble devout
nothing resides
Break it to pieces
that obstinate mind

I raise my fist to hold the line
Against those who set themselves on high
Going to break it down
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