Letra y Significado de WOODBURNING, Toad The Wet Sprocket

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Say what you need i kick you down
no i'm fine and don't you hang around
and i find myself here in another home
where everything moves so slow
So tired
Take the longest day
throw it all away
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
every day's the same
nothing ever change
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
You should know by now we're all liars
take me where you go only higher
Take the longest day
waste it all away
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
everyday's the same
nothing ever change
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
can't do anything
Anything you want, anything you want, anything
Take the longest day
throw it all away
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
everyday's the same
nothing ever change
i can't stand it
but i can't do anything
can't do anything
Here in another home
where everything moves so slow
So tired

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