Letra y Significado de TEARING US APART, Tina Turner

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(e. clapton, g. phillinganes)
duet with eric clapton
producer: phil collins
album: the collected recordings (94)

you know the sun is shining
it's raining in my heart
i don't know what to do
since we've been apart
why don't you tell me, babe
what is going on
you know i love you darling
don't want to be alone
They're tearing us apart
they're breaking up my heart
i knew it from the start
your friends are tearing us apart

You know i can't go on
feeling this old way
you know my heart is burning
it's burning everyday
you know i love you, baby
no one else will do
why don't you reconsider
do what i want you to
They're tearing us apart
they're breaking up my heart
i knew it from the start
your friends are tearing us apart

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