Letra y Significado de D & W, They Might Be Giants

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D, look at D
Half a circle, half a moon, an apple slice
There goes D, Captain D
My boy D, Commander D, the well-known D
D's getting on in years so he moves a little bit slower now
D is shy and doesn't get out of the house much anymore
And then there's W, here comes W
It's double wide, it cannot hide its pride, it's W
They call it W, there's that W
It thinks it's king, its all-time favorite thing is W

"W, you think you're so great"
"Well, I am pretty big"
"Yeah, you're okay. You're just not as great as you think you are."
"How come I never see you around anymore, D?"
"I got this big TV set at home now. And I like to watch the sports."

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