Letra y Significado de BALL AND BISCUIT, The White Stripes

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

It's quite possible that i'm your third man girl
but it's a fact that i'm the seventh son
it's quite possible that i'm your third man girl
but it's a fact that i'm the seventh son
and right now you could care less about me
but soon enough you will care, by the time i'm done
Let's have a ball and a biscuit sugar
and take our sweet little time about it
let's have a ball girl
and take our sweet little
tell everybody in the place to just get out
and we'll get clean together
and i'll find me a soap box where i can shout it
Read it in the newspaper
ask your girlfriends and see if they know
read it in the newspaper
ask your girlfriends and see if they know
that my strenth is ten fold girl
i'll let you see if you want to before you go
Let's have a ball and a biscuit sugar
and take our sweet little time about it
let's have a ball
and take our sweet little time about it
tell everybody in the place to just get out
and we'll get clean together
and i'll find my a soap box where i can shout it
and i can think of one or two things to say
about it
alright, listen
Alright, you get the put now
It's quite possible that i'm your third man girl
but it's a fact that i'm the seventh son
it was the other two which made me your third
but it was my mother who made me the seventh son
and right now you could care less about me
but soon enough you will care by the time i'm done

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