Letra y Significado de CRAWLING EYE, The Misfits

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It's such a steep climb up the mountains south side
it has a cloud that acts in such peculiar ways
accident count rising, a young girl prophesizing
to protect their race they'll seize her mind
At this altitude it's freezing
aliens control human beings
no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye?
at this altitude it's freezing
aliens control human beings
no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye?
These evil demon eyes, under cloud cover hide
they have great tentacles to tear apart their prey
all these men are dying, crawling eye decapitizing
fiends without a face attack mankind
At this altitude it's freezing
aliens control human beings
no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye?
at this altitude it's freezing
aliens control human beings
no one has lived to tell who's seen the crawling eye?
Crawling eye (3x)

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