Letra y Significado de IN A SPACE, The Kinks

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

In a space, allocated to me by the human race
inhabiting this area until i die this space is occupied
i'm in a space leased by kind permission of the human race
close up i am big but far away i'm small and hardly here at all
'cause in a space out in space
we disappear without a trace
Now i'm out in inner space
and lookin' at the people, standing face to face
and filling up the space
men and women boys and girls
there are so many people in the world
thinkin' about the world
and all the people in it
and i'm staring at the stars
and into the infinite
in a world without a world
on a planet that's
driftin' in a space
Seconds into minutes and minutes
into hour and hours into days
and days into months and months into years
thousands into millions, millions into billions
billions into zillions and forever and forever
In a space allocated by the human race
somewhere in outer space it's far away and i like it that way
no i'm out in inner space
and lookin' at the people, standing face to face
and filling up the space
men and women boys and girls
there are so many people in the world
thinkin' about the world
and all the people in it
and i'm staring at the stars
and into the infinite
in a world without a world
on a planet that's
driftin' in a space
In a space, in a space, in a space
now i'm out in inner space
and lookin' at the people, standing face to face
and filling up the space
on planet that's
driftin' in a space

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Significado de Victoria (1 opinión)