Letra y Significado de DESTROY, The Eyeliners

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Everyone has an opinion,
But who do you look to for words of wisdom,
There's so many roads that you can choose,
A different ending win or lose.

Let's go!

Chances not taken opportunities gone forever,
So, justify what you believe in,
Looking forward and never glancing back,
It's your chance to..

GO LET'S GO - We won't follow or imitate,
GO LET'S GO - We can break away.
GO LET'S GO - We're gonna live for today,
This time we won't be destroyed.

Nothing to fear but fear itself,
Like a keepsake you put your dreams on a shelf.
And we'll never know, if we don't try,
Life is too short to stay inside

Let's go!

Who will decide when it's all over?
When all is said and done.
And will you know, when you have it?
Do you know what it is you want, it's your chance to...

GO LET'S GO - We won't follow or imitate,
GO LET'S GO - We can break away.
GO LET'S GO - We're gonna live for today,
This time we won't be destroyed.

Now we can show that this time we won't be destroyed.

Nothing to fear except fear itself,
Like a keepsake you put your dreams on a shelf,
So many roads that you can choose,
A different ending win or lose.

Let's go!

Chances not taken are opportunities gone forever,
A canvas that was ruined, unused and gone to waste.
It's your chance to..

GO LET'S GO - We won't follow or imitate,
GO LET'S GO - We can break away.
GO LET'S GO - We're gonna live for today,
This time we won't be destroyed.
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