Letra y Significado de CHASING THE SUN, The Calling

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The skies her blue eyes
begin to open
the storm is upon me
i'm chasing the sun
And she's got me down on my knees
trying to crawl
through all of the winter
through all of the fall, yeah
She's like a sweet summer
a sweet summer day
and i can't let her
i can't let her go to waste
she's like a sweet summer day
I wanna breathe in her air
i wanna crash through the waves
into her fields where
these memories are made, yeah
She's like a sweet summer
a sweet summer day
and i can't let her
i can't let her go to waste
she's like a sweet summer day
now there's no turning back
i'm lost somewhere deep inside of you
the clouds have been lifted
and you're breaking through, oh
She's like a sweet summer
a sweet summer day
now i can't let her
i just can't let her go to waste
oh oh, she's like a sweet summer
a sweet summer day
i cannot let her
i cannot let her go to waste
she's like a sweet summer day (x4)

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