Letra y Significado de IT HIT HOME, Suzanne Vega

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

No one admits they ever cry in public
lately we all do because we must
we do because a man stands at
the bottom of a building
looking for his brothers body in the dust
It hit home
it still does
it hits home
It makes me feel a pain within my person
like the breaking of a heart or of a bone
to think about that day and to imagine
every moment of my neighbors
in that devastated place close to my own
It hit home
it still does
it hits home
I am no great patriot
i never wear the flag
and i only sing the songs that i'm supposed to in a crowd
but if i travel to chicago or just take the train downtown
i see the grace that's under pressure, that's what i report out loud
It hit home
it still does
it hits home
People when they're hungry become crazy
if its a baby or a nation we discuss
anger turns to action turns to danger
we get mean, and feel that living
isn't worth much, and it's either them or us
It hit home
it still does
it hits home
I am no great patriot
i never wear the flag
and i only sing the songs that i'm supposed to in a crowd
but if i travel to chicago or just take the train downtown
i see the grace that's under pressure, that's what i report out loud
It hit home
it still does
it hits home

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