Letra y Significado de DEATH IN THE FAMILY, Sparta

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Feeling tense, tired, and spent
i lost my head, my sight, my nerve
life is changing
one foot can only outrun
the other one so many times
life is changing
so do what you will
tomorrow is today
we march as you run
Tomorrow is today
with a death in the family
blind faith revolutions
that i can watch but hate the sound
life is changing
i'd give up everything
to never live this year again
life is changing
I'm not sure i'll ever choose a side
without a fence i wouldn't have a choise
i'll just close my eyes and barrel through again
be glad, i could

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