Letra y Significado de THE GET AWAY, Pretty Girls Make Graves

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She said she'd like it to snow
the same way it did in upstate new york
he never liked it that cold
and she said, and she said
i never want to go home
massachusetts, michigan, i don't know
just as long as it's us
That's all that matters
Well i know that you stole
about two bills and a little gold
from your parents drawer
and he said, and he said
how far will this get us from here?
and i don't want to talk about
what's back there
we can never go, we can never go
how far will this get us from here?
and i don't want to talk about
what's back there
we can never go, we can never go home
Yeah we can never go home
and we can, and we can
yeah we can never go home
And he said, and he said
i never want to go home
we'll be ok on our own
just as long as it's us
and she said, and she said
How far will this get us from here?
and i don't want to talk
about what's back there
we can never go, we can never go
how far will this get us from here?
and i don't want to talk
about what's back there
we can never go,
we can never home
yeah we can never go home
and we can, and we can
yeah we can never go home
And she said, and she said
and he said, and he said

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