Letra y Significado de LIQUID COURAGE, Pretty Girls Make Graves

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

First shot goes down like fire
you'll pull the thoughts to the front of my mouth
i hear the words of a sad, sad song
rattle around my head
they mix up and fall out of my mouth
rattle around my head
they mix up and fall out of my mouth
Oh! you got it all figured out
how to bring it all down
how to make it all yours
oh i wish that you would
you never had it that way
it didn't belong to you
but it's there for the taking
so take it
Second shot goes down with ease
mix emotion mix the potion brings me to my knees
whatever you want, whatever you need
i'll hold my breath until you tell me to breathe
You never had it that way
it didn't belong to you
but it's there for the taking
so take it
First shot goes down like fire
you pull the thoughts the front of my mouth
i hear the words of a sad, sad song
rattle around my head
they mix up and fall out of my mouth
rattle around my head
they mix up and fall out of my mouth
Oh! you got it all figured out
how to bring it all down
how to make it all yours
oh i wish that you would
you never had it that way
it didn't belong to you
but it's there for the taking
so take it

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