Letra y Significado de ALL MEDICATED GENIUSES, Pretty Girls Make Graves

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There's a kid with a golden arm
he admits to the forest fire
that he started up from a lack of something better going on

This kid with the golden arm
he admits to the forest fire
that he started up from a lack of something better going on
tell your friends it's a four alarm
just a smoke screen we're all liars
better to stew in discontent then to admit we?re wrong
Our motivations out to sea
and our ideas they die so quickly
This town has good hearts
bad blood emotional scars
never get to say what you really wanna say
This town has good hearts
bad blood emotional scars
never get to say what you really wanna say
We all lie so well
we all lie so well
There's a kid with a golden arm
he admits to the forest fire
that he started up from a lack of something better going on
tell your friends it's a four alarm
just a smoke screen we're all liars
better to stew in discontent then to admit we?re wrong
If misery loves company
then it seems to swim so much more forcibly
in the song of other peoples failures
Doctor do you have a remedy
doctor this is not alright by me
do you think that you have the strength for the city
that sells fantasy

we all lie so well
we all lie so well

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