Letra y Significado de LEGALIZE FREEDOM, Poison Idea

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Freedom's just a word to those who give in,
Or a state of mind for those who put out,
Everything they have for an absence,
Or another word for no oppression,
Your sterile, fake community means un-civil liberty,
But it's out there, if you want it,
A change, a social change, is out there, if you want it.
Street politics are an important part of life,
You gotta know something about it if you don't want to die,
But if you die you say it's not gonna matter,
Cause all your life, it was handed to you on a platter.
Your sterile, fake community means un-civil liverty,
But it's out there, if you want it.
Money, happiness, freedom, a saviour, if you want it.
So go and die for whatever you don't believe in.
From the day that I was born,
Stars and stripes, a uniform,
Permanently rearrange,
Don't you sense a certain change?
A message to all, not just some,
Sprayed on the wall, legalize freedom
Hold your ground, keep it down, don't sell yourself short
Subvert? Don't vote? Do I have a right to bitch?
Does it count?
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