Letra y Significado de SHOPPING, Pet Shop Boys

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

we're buying and selling your history
how we go about it is no mystery
we check it with the city, then change the law
are you looking forward?
now you want some more
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
It's easy when you got all the information
inside help, no investigation
(no investigation, investigation)
no questions in the house, no give and take
there's a big bang in the city
we're all on the make
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
Our gain is your loss, that's the price you pay
i heard it in the house of commons: everything's for sale
we're shopping
we're shopping
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah
ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
we're s-h-o-pp-i-n-g, we're shopping
(we're shopping
we're shopping
we're shopping
we're shopping
we're shopping)

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