Letra y Significado de A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW, Pet Shop Boys

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

when i'm sitting so close to you
there's only one thing that i wanna do
but i know what you're likely to say
that i'm going about it the wrong way
We can't agree about anything
where to go or even where we've been
and i know what you're likely to do
say that i've never cared about you
and all i wanted to say was that i love you
but you tell me now you don't believe it's true
you got a different, a different
a different point of view
you got a different
point of view
You don't believe a single word i say
if i'd say black was white, you'd say it was grey
but in spite of being treated this way
i still dream of you all night and day
and all i wanted to say was that i love you
but you tell me now you don't believe it's true
you got a different, a different
a different point of view
you got a different
point of view
Just this once
just say yes
You've got a clever way of haunting me
i'm never scared, but you're still daunting me
'cause i know what you're likely to say
and i know that you'll get your own way
and all i wanted to say was that i love you
but you tell me now you don't believe it's true
you got a different, a different
a different point of view
you got a different
point of view
you got a different, a different
a different point of view
you got a different
point of view

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