Letra y Significado de DRY EYE, Paul Brandt

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(paul brandt/josh leo/rick bowles)
Pulled down that cardboard box from the attic
the one with the letters from you
put on those old records while i was at it
the ones that we fell in love to
thought we were over what a crazy notion
i should have realized
i'd lose the fight against this flood of emotion
welling up from deep inside
There's not a dry eye in the house tonight
just a raging river of heartache and pride
there's not a memory that doesn't cut like a knife
of me letting you just walk out of my life
every teardrop is a visible sign
of me missing you coming out
there's not a dry eye in the house
every picture of when we were together
tear stained and falling apart
chances i didn't take, regrets and mistakes
i know them all by broken heart
There's not a dry eye in the house tonight
just a raging river of heartache and pride
there's not a memory that doesn't cut like a knife
of me letting you just walk out of my life
every teardrop is a visible sign
of me missing you coming out
there's not a dry eye in the house
every picture of when we were together
tear stained and falling apart
chances i didn't take, regrets and mistakes
i know them all by broken heart
There's not a dry eye in the house tonight
just a raging river of heartache and pride
there's not a memory that doesn't cut like a knife
of me letting you just walk out of my life
every teardrop is a visible sign
of me missing you coming out
there's not a dry eye in the house
every picture of when we were together
tear stained and falling apart
chances i didn't take, regrets and mistakes
i know them all by broken heart

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