Letra y Significado de PART OF YOUR LIFE, Outfield

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You're taking this hard - and I still don't know
If we've got a price - I'll let you go
I don't wanna be just a part of your life
I can't complain if I'm not sure
I'll only remain if you're still pure
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
You know I won't share you with another man
So don't expect me to try and understand
I don't wanna be just a part of your life

There's another choice
There's another dream
There's another place
Another reason for living
There's another face
There's another mind
There's another soul
Another heart I could find
I don't wanna be just a part of your life

I don't wanna know what might be wrong
Start looking for something that might be gone
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
Making up for lost time won't ease the pain
Or start looking for something - just to ease the strain
I don't wanna be just a part of your life


I don't want a friend just to turn to
I don't need a hand that can only pull me through
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
I don't wanna be just a part of your life
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