Letra y Significado de JUST ANOTHER GIRL, Monica

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Verse 1:
you...think you're slick in every way, changin all your calls on your phone everday, is there something that you're tryin to hide from me? i never gave you reason to, run and take your calls in the other room...am i the only one, or is somebody else taking out you?

this year, my imagination, things ain't always what they seem cuz i dont wanna b...

just another name in your little black book, just another face in the crowd, in the sky, nation? i gotta mean a little more to you than a face on your list of things to do, another chase, shotgun on your benz, another dog case that you can show all your friends, you can call me say i'm insecure, but i dont wanna be juss another girl.
Verse 2:
strange, how you claim to tell the truth, ur in the passenger's seat & ur cars been moved, and u swore that there was no1 else but u, and something else i cant explain, why'd you call me by somebody else's name? you say its history, your player days are through, or so you say...
This year, my imagination, things aint always what they seem cuz i dont wanna b...

repeat refrain
tell me how you lied, reason my supsicious mind, i gotta know the truth if i am juss another girl you're treatin wrong, another one you bring along, is it you and me? is it 2 or 3? cuz i dont wanna be...
Repeat refrain 3 times

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