Letra y Significado de COWBOY DAN, Modest Mouse

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Well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes to the reservation drinks and gets mean
he's gonna start a war
he hops in his pickup puts the pedal to the floor
and says "i got mine but i want more"
well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes to the reservation drinks and gets mean
he drove the desert, fired his rifle in the sky
and says, "god if i have to die you will have to die"
well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes the the reservation drinks and gets mean
i didn't move to the city, the city moved to me
and i want out desperately
can't do it, not even if sober
can't get that engine turned over
standing in the tall grass
thinking nothing
you know we need oxygen to breath
whenever you are walking you're just moving the ground
whenever you are talking you're just moving your mouth
where ever you look you're just looking down
well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes to the reservation drinks and gets mean
he's gonna start a war
he hops in his pickup puts the pedal to the floor
and says "i got mine but i want more"
well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes to the reservation drinks and gets mean
he drove the desert, fired his rifle in the sky
and says, "god if i have to die you will have to die"
well, cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
he goes the the reservation drinks and gets mean
i didn't move to the city, the city moved to me
and i want out desperately
can't do it, not even if sober
can't get that engine turned over

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