Letra y Significado de ALL MY LOVING, Mireille Mathieu

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All my loving

John Lennon – Paul McCartney

(Mireille Mathieu - John Davidson - Together)

Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you,

Tomorrow I’ll miss you,

Remember, I’ll always be true.

And then while I’m away

I’ll write home everyday

And I’ll send all my loving to you.

All my loving I will send to you,

All my loving, darling, I’ll be true.

I’ll pretend that I’m kissing

The lips I am missing

And hope that my dreams will come true.

And then while I’m away

I’ll write home everyday

And I’ll send all my loving to you.

All my loving I will send to you,

All my loving, darling, I’ll be true.

All my loving I will send to you,

All my loving, darling, I’ll be true.
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