Letra y Significado de BACKMASK, Mindless Self Indulgence

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Play that record backwards
heres a message yo' for the suckas
play that record backards
and go fuck yourself
play that record backwards
its a message from awwwwwww
play that record backwards
and go go go go go go
kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill.. yourself
hate and devour the young and the weaker ones
and dont forget the guns
youre gonna need em to go kill yourself
hate all the people you love in a river of blood
and dont forget the guns
youre gonna need em to
always destroy
always destroy
always destroy, yourself
destroy yourself if you don't get what you want
hate all the people you love in a river of blood
and don't forget to go go go go go go
kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill yourself
mutha fucka go kill... yourself
hate all people you love in a river of blood
and dont forget the guns
youre gonna need em to
destroy always
destroy always
destroy always
destroy yourself
destroy yourself if you don't get what you want
youre gonna really need em'
youre gonna really need em'
youre gonna really need em'
youre gonna really need em'
kill yourself because you dont get what you want
kill yourself because you dont get what you want
kill yourself because you dont get what you want
kill yourself because you dont get what you want

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