Letra y Significado de WHITE TRASH, Marilyn Manson

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Virgins sold in quantity,
african-american heredity
i'm playin' my guitar and i'm feelin' fine
why are all the niggers in the unemployment line?
White trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
white trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
Teenage girl, a teenage queen
til she's on video - a porno queen!
she likes to give head
she likes it mean
that's why she's my little queen
White trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
white trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
white boy tryin' to get some behind:
"who says date rape isn't kind?"
who's he gonna goad?
who's he gonna please?
it don't matter,
as long as she's on her knees
White trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy
white trash get down on your knees
time for cake and sodomy

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