Letra y Significado de THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

All our monkeys have monkeys
we drive our deathcrush diamond jaguar limousines
we're not fantastic motherfuckers,
but we play them on tv.
it's a dirty word reich,
say what you like.
it's a dirty word reich,
say what you like.
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
the devils are girls with van goh's missing ear
you say want you want but filth is all that they hear
and i've got the jigger
to make all of you bigger, so
"ladies und gentlemen...drop your pissroom bait
and make sure you're not late, you tramps and lunatics."
here's a trick that's gonna make you
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
it's a dirty word reich,
say what you like.
it's a dirty word reich,
say what you like.
so my bon mots, hit-boy tommy trons, rowdy rowdies,
honey-fingered goodbye dolls:
"hellzapoppin, open your third nostril,
put on your black face and your god is gone."
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
we're the low art gloominati
and we aim to depress
the scabaret sacrilegends
this is the golden age of grotesque
we sing:
la la la la lala la
we sing: la lal la la la
la la la la lala la
we sing:
la la la la la

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