Letra y Significado de TALK OF ONE, THOUGHT OF NONE, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

... . Another night of too much cough syrup.
I'm awakened by the incessant ringing of a telephone.
I still have dreams caked in the corners of my eyes,
And my mouth is dry and tastes shitty.
Again, the ringing.
Slowly, I bustle out of bed,
The remnants of an erection
Still lingering in my shorts
Like a bothersome guest.
Again, the ringing.

Carefully, I abscond to the bathroom,
As to not display my manhood to others.
There, I make the perfunctory morning faces
Which always seem to preceed my daily contribution
To the once-blue toilet water
That I always enjoy making green.
Again, the ringing.

I shake twice like most others,
And I'm annoyed by the dribble
That always seems to remain,
Causing a small acreage of wetness
On the front of my briefs.
I slowly, languidly, lazily, crazily
Stumble into the den
Where my father smokes his guitars
... . I mean, cigars... .
In his easy chair.

I know ALL about easy chairs.
And then I sing a song for my friends :
Jesus is my boyfriend !
Jesus is my boyfriend !
You can't have him,
Because Jesus is my boyfriend !
Ringing, ringing, dang it !

Goddamn, mother fuckin' son of a bitchin' ringing !
I walk into the kitchen and I stare blankly
At that shreiking plastic bastard.
Since it keeps ringing, I know it's her.
And since it keeps ringing, she knows it's me.
We are the world.
We are the children.
We are the ones who make a darker day,
So lets start killing.

There's a choice you're making,
We're sparing our own lives.
It's true we make a darker day,
Just you and me.
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