Letra y Significado de POSTHUMAN, Marilyn Manson

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She's got eyes like zapruder
and a mouth like heroin
she wants me to be
perfect like kennedy
this isn't god, this isn't god
god is just a statistic,
god is just a statistic
"show me the dead stars,
all of them sing."
this is a riot
religious and clean
God is a number you cannot count to
you are posthuman and hardwired
She's pilgrim and pagan
softworn and so-cial
in all of her dreams
she's a saint like jackie-o
This isn't god, this isn't god
god is just a statistic,
god is just a statistic
"show me the dead stars,
all of them sing."
this is a riot
religious and clean
Coma white:
"all that glitters is cold, all that glitters is cold"

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