Letra y Significado de LAMB OF GOD, Marilyn Manson

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There was crust in the metal shell
there was blood on the pavement
the camera will make you god
that's how jack became sainted
If you die when there's no one watching
and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv
you're a martyr and the lamb of god
Nothing's going to change
nothing's going to change the world
There was lennon and the happy gun
there were words? on the pavement
we were looking for the lamb of god
we were looking for mark david
If you die when there's no one watching
and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv
you're a martyr and the lamb of god
Nothing's going to change the world
nothing's going to change
nothing's going to change the world
nothing's going to change the world
It took three days for him to die
the born again to buy the serial rights
lamb of god have mercy on us
a lamb of god, will you dread us?
Nothing's going to change the world
nothing's going to change(4x)

Nothing's going to change the world
nothing's going to change the world
If you die when there's no one watching
and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their tv
you're a martyr and a lamb of god
Nothing's going to change the world

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