Letra y Significado de LA MEJOR, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)


I don't care if your world is ending today

I wasn't invited to it anyway

You said I tasted famous, so I drew you a heart

But now I'm not an artist I'm a fucking work of art
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU

You wanted perfekt

You got your perfekt

But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll

Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT

What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT

I am a bonetop, a death's head
On a mopstick

You infected me, took diamonds
I took all your shit

Your "sell-by date" expired,
So you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and
Vivi-sex symbol.
You wanted perfekt
You got your perfekt

But now I'm too perfekt for someone like you
I was a dandy in your ghetto with
A snow white smile and you'll
Never be as perfekt whatever you do
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I've got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing missing is a bitch like yoU
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super-ego bitch, I've been evil awhile
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
What's my name, what's my name?
Hold the S because I am an AINT
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