Letra y Significado de I HATE, Marilyn Manson

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You are the wind beneath my wings
The grin across my face
You are the fuel in my machine
That special place

You are the sunshine of my life
My first and only love
You are the apple of my eye
You suck my blood

And I hate you more than life itself
I even hate you more than I hate myself
I hate
Therefore I am
I am
Therefore I hate

Another nail in my coffin
Another thorn in my side
Another gun to my temple

And I hate you more than life itself
I even hate you more than I hate myself
I hate
Therefore I am
I am
Therefore I hate

You are the final destination
The calm before the storm
You are the womb within my own self
I died and you were born

And I hate you more than life itself
I even hate you more than I hate myself
I hate
Therefore I am
I am
Therefore I hate

You are the place where I find shelter
Left out in the cold
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