Letra y Significado de DEAD GOD, Marilyn Manson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Rewrite the consitution.
Let's justify the revolution.
The end is here.

If you're a part of the institution.
You're not a part of the solution.
Bow down to fear.

I, I, I am the president.
I, I, the emperor.
I, I, I am the king of the world.

The only good god is a dead god.
The only god good for me.
The only good god is a dead god, baby.
The only damn god I need.

Don't draw your own conclusion.
Submit to the grand illusion.
Get on your knees.

There will be no absolution.
No final step of evolution.
The end is near.

I, I, I am the president.
I, I, the emperor.
I, I, I am the king of the world.

The only good god is a dead god.
The only god good for me.
The only good god is a dead god, baby.
The only damn god I need.

The only good god is a dead god.
The only god good for me.
The only good god is a dead god, baby.
The only damn god I need.

Your world means nothing to me.
Your saviors a fool still in your dreams.
And when you're wrapped in your blame,
Fullfill your own prophecy.
No skin off my teeth.

The only good god is a dead god.
The only god good for me.
The only good god is a dead god, baby.
The only damn god I need.

The only good god is a dead god.
The only god good for me.
The only good god is a dead god, baby.
The only fucking god I need.

I killed your king of deceit.
Chaos come onto me.
I am free.
And when you're ultimately,
Consumed by your own fucking greed.
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