Letra y Significado de COLOURED LIFE, Lana Lane

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Fill me in with coloured life
save me from the world
turn me ´way from black and white
save me from the world

shanana papa do

i´m a rocket man
shooting for life in a higher place
destination unknown
gonna get myself together gonna give you
all of my love for you

all´s black and white
i got all that life´s got to give
but i haven´t got you
all´s black and white

so fill me in with coloured life
save me from the world
turn me´way from black and white
save from the world

shanana papa do

you´re a beautiful queen
what a vision of loveliness
i got a hole in my heart
gonna get myself together gonna give you
all of me love for you

all´s black and white
i got all that life´s got to give
but i haven´t got you
all´s black and white

so fill me in with coloured life
save me from the world
turn me´way from black and white
save from the world
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