Letra y Significado de CHI, Korn

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buried so fly away
enter my life of nothing
sick of the same old thing, so i dig a hole, buried pain (x2)
hanging so high always
burying my life so slowly
sick of the same old thing, so i dig a hole, buried pain (x2)
it opens my mind to feelings
i can't face boredom without something
sick of the same old thing, so i dig a hole, buried pain (x4)
me entering my head
feeling like i'm god
with the world around me
can't you feel this pain?
reaming through my heart!
screaming through my veins!
nothing i can kill!
screaming a lie! lie! lie!
can't you feel this my! eyes! out!
can't you take my heart away
take my heart, goodbye
sick of the same old thing, so i dig a hole, buried pain(x4)
pain! pain! pain! pain! pain! .....

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