Letra y Significado de WHAT'S UP LONELY, Kelly Clarkson

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Blue..I'm gettin' kinda close to you
Like a shadow I can't lose, hey...
You've been hangin' with me every day, now you're gettin' in the way.
I know you understand me, but don't you think that maybe it's time to move on?

What's up lonely? Seems you're my only friend who wants to share my pain.
Tell me heartache, what's it gonna take for you to leave me alone today?
Just when I think that you're gone, you're in the mirror looking back at me.
So, what's up lonely?

Gotta go, gotta move on.
Gotta go, gotta move on, yeah yeah.

What's up lonely? Seems you're my only baby (friend who)...wants to share my pain.
Tell me what's it gonna take... (fade out).

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