Letra y Significado de N.A., Kelly Clarkson

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I hope the ring you gave to her
turns her finger green.
I hope that when you're in bed with her,
you think of me.
I would never wish bad things,
but I don't wish you well.
Could you tell?
By the flames that burned your words.

I never read your letter,
cause I knew what you'd say.
Give me that Sunday school answer,
try to make it all ok.

Does it hurt, to know I'll never be there?
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere?
It was you, who choose to end like you did.
I was the last to know you knew,
exactly what you would do.
Don't say you simply lost your way.
She may believe you, but I never will.
Never Again.

If she really knows the truth,
she deserves you.
A trophy wife, oh how cute.
Ignorance is bliss.
But when your day comes,
and he's through with you.
And he'll be through with you!
You'll die together but alone...

You wrote me in a letter.
You couldn't say it right no my face.
Give me that Sunday school answer.
Repent yourself away.

Does it hurt, to know I'll never be there?
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere?
It was you, who choose to end like you did.
I was the last to know you knew,
exactly what you would do.
Don't say you simply lost your way.
They may believe you,
but I never will.
Never Again.

Never again, will I hear you.
Never again, will I miss you.
Never again, will I fall to you.

Never again, will I kiss you.
Never again, will I want to.
Never again, I love you.

Does it hurt, to know I'll never be there?
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere?
It was you, who choose to end it like you did.
I was the last to know you knew,
exactly what you would do.
Don't say you simply lost your way.
They may believe you, but I never will.

I never will.
I never will.
Never Again.
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