Letra y Significado de BOY NEXT DOOR, Judy Garland
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The boy next doorjudy garland- words and music by hugh martin and ralph blane- from the 1944 vincente minnelli film "meet me in st. louis"- lyrics as recorded by judy garland april 20, 1944 on decca 23362the moment i saw him smilei knew he was just my stylemy only regret is we've never metthough i dream of him all the whilebut he doesn't know i existno matter how i may persistso it's clear to see there's no hope for methough i live at fifty-one-thirty-five kensington avenueand he lives at fifty-one-thirty-threehow can i ignore the boy next doori love him more than i can saydoesn't try to please medoesn't even tease meand he never sees me glance his wayand though i'm heart-sore, the boy next dooraffection for me won't displayi just adore himso i can't ignore himthe boy next doori just adore himso i can't ignore himthe boy next door