Letra y Significado de FAITHFULLY, Journey

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Faithfullyjourneywritten by: j. cainhighway runinto the midnight sunwheels go round and roundyou're on my mindrestless heartssleep alone tonightsendin' all my lovealong the wirethey say that the roadain't no place to start a familyright down the lineit's been you and meand lovin' a music manain't all it's supposed to beoh girl you stand by mei'm forever yours...faithfullycircus lifeunder the big top worldwe all need the clownsto make us smilethrough space and timealways another showwondering where i amlost without youand being apart ain't easy on this love affairtwo strangers learn to fall in love againi get the joyof redescovering youoh girl, you stand by mei'm forever yours...faithfullyoh, oh, oh, oh ...faithfully, i'm still yoursi'm forever yoursever yours...faithfully

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