Letra y Significado de CAN YOU SEE ME?, Jimi Hendrix

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Can you see me? begging you on my knees
wo yeah
can you see? me baby
baby please don't leave
yeah if you can see me doing that
you can see in the future of a thousand years
Can you hear me?
cryin' all over town
yeah babe
can you hear me baby?
crying cause you put me down
what's with ya
if you can hear me doing that
you can hear a frait train coming grom a thousand miles
Ah yeah
can you hear me?
singing this song to you
ah you better hold up your ears
can you see me baby?
singing theis song to you
ah shucks
if you can hear me sing
you better come home like you supposed to do
Can you see me?
hey hey
i don't believe you can see me
wo yeah
can you hear me baby?
i don't believe you can
you can't see me

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