Letra y Significado de AND FURTHER ON, Jethro Tull

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We saw the heavens break
and all the world go down to sleep
and rocks on mossy banks
drip acid rain from craggy steeps.
saw fiery angels kiss the dawn,
wish you goodbye till further on,
will you still be there further on?
And troubled dynasties,
like legions lost, have blown away.
hounds hard upon their heels,
call to their quarry wait and play.
before the last faint light has gone:
wish you goodbye till further on,
will you still be there further on?
The angry waves grow high
cut icy teeth on northern shores.
brave fires that flicker,cough
give way to winds
through broken doors.
and with the last line almost drawn:
wish you goodbye till further on.
will you still be there further on?

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