Letra y Significado de NOTHING LEFT TO SHOW, Hawk Nelson

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

Life is just a lineup, tell me when my time's up
Too much on my mind today
There's so much left that I would like to say
When I start to climb up will you pull my line up or am I just in the way?
I think about it every single day I think about it every single day

Fix us cause we keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
We're tired of being alone
Fix me cause I keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
Will someone find me

Life is just a lineup, tell me when my time's up
Too much on my mind today
There's so much left that I would like to say
When I start to climb up will you pull my line up or am I just in the way?
I think about it every single day I think about it every single day

Fix us cause we keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
We're tired of being alone
Fix me cause I keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
Will someone find me?

Now I feel like something's going on
I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something's going on
I feel like something's going on
Now I feel like something

Fix us cause we keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
I'm tired of being alone

Fix us cause we keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
We're tired of being alone

Fix Me cause I keep falling apart, just keep falling apart
Will Someone find me?
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