Letra y Significado de VISITOR, Hanoi Rocks

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I'm not sorry 'bout the things that i've done to you
I'm not sorry, i never felt this good
All i wanted was to get to you
And hurt you for a while

I'm a trespasser in your company
Looks like it's me who fill your thoughts and your diary
Just as fast as my moment comes
I'll turn out to be a memory

The day i came was the day i left
Now you're just like all the rest
I only take i take the best
Like you used to be, now you're left in lunacy

I'm just a visitor, visitor, visitor, visitor...

I'm not sorry 'bout the things that i've done to you
I'm not sorry, i never felt this good
All i wanted was to get to you
And hurt you for a while

My romance, you're in a trance
I'll destroy all of your plans
Just as fast as my moment comes
I'll turn out to be a memory

The day i came was the day i left
Now you're just like all the rest
I only take i take the best
Like you used to be, now you're left in lunacy

I'm just a visitor, visitor, visitor, visitor...

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