Letra y Significado de MY FILIPINO ROSE, Hank Snow

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The postman dropped a letter in my door
the address wasn't plain, but i could see
it had traveled far across the great pacific
from my filipino rose across the sea.
The writing from her tremblin' hand was blurred
the paper, it was badly stained with tears
it read, "they tell me you have wed another
after i have longed and waited all these years."
"but i'm still prayin', that the tradewinds
send you sailin' across the blue
in my harbor, i've dreamed you'll anchor
where your lonely filipino waits for you."
I promised her that i'd return some day
i told her she'd won my heart and hand
i told her a lie, 'cause i was lonely
far from home, a stranger in that foreign land.
She wrote, "i've watched the driftwood float on by
i've watched the sea roll on its weary way
i've watched the silver sails out on the ocean
hopin' you might return to me someday."
"the chains of love may never set you free
but thru the years, as mem'ries fonder grow
this broken heart will always wait for you, dear."
it was signed, "your lonely filipino rose."

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