Letra y Significado de WHAT A DAY, Faith No More

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A piece of mail
a letterhead
a piece of hair
from a human head
They're stayin' to me
"i should've killed it"
"i should've killed it"
"i should've killed it before"
You're right, you're right
"kill the body and the head will die"
they're laughin' at me
"i should've learned it"
"i should've learned it"
"i should've learned it before"
- what a day, what a day
if you can look it in the face
and hold your vomit
A wet sneeze and a "no left turn"
a row of teeth and an encouraging word
beneath a mile of skin
"i should've noticed it"
"i should've noticed it"
"i should've noticed it before"
What a day
what a day
what a day
don't you touch it

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