Letra y Significado de MELTING POT, Boyzone

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Take a pinch of one man
Wrap him up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of indian boy

Curly black and kinky
Oriental and sexy
If you lump it all together
Well you've got a recipe
For a get along scene...

Oh what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true
You know you know...

What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough to take the world
And all it's got
Keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
Turn out coffee colored people
By the score

Rabbi and the friars
Bishops and the gurus
We had the beatles and the sun gods
A long time ago, it's true

But then it really didn't metter
What religion you choose no,no,no

Mick and lady faithfull
Lord and mrs graceful
You know the living could be tasteful
Why don't we all get together in a loving machine
I'd better call up the queen
It's only fair that she knows
You know , you knou

What we need is a great big melting pot

Big enough to take the world
And all it's got
Keep it stiring for a hundred years or more
Turn out coffee colored people
By the score

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