Letra y Significado de SPY IN THE HOUSE OF THE NIGHT, Blue Oyster Cult

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

I, i have no church or philosophy.
i've never known or told a joke in sin.
i smoke in bed. i smoke instead.
i know the in's and out's of smoke.
And where there's smoke, there's fire, the flip side of desire.
and if it's true, it can't be you, it might as well be me.
a spy in the house of the fire; a fire in the house of the night.
a white-hot dark-black rendezvous.
i'll see you there tonight!
i'll see you there tonight!
I've never been to spain nor to germany.
i'll never know my way around the city of gorky.
i've made love in halls. i fell in love in malls.
i'd love to love you in the dark.
And when it's dark, it's night, the flip side of delight.
so, if, in fact, it can't be wrong, well, then, it must be right.
a spy in the house of the fire; a fire in the house of the night.
a white-hot dark-black rendezvous.
i'll see you there tonight!
i'll see you there tonight!
And when it's dark, it's night, the flip side of delight.
so, if, in fact, it can't be wrong, well, then it must be right.
a spy in the house of the fire; a fire in the house of the night.
a white-hot dark-black rendezvous.
i'll see you there tonight!
i'll see you there tonight!
i'll see you there tonight!

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