Letra y Significado de I CAN DO BETTER, Avril Lavigne

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I couldn't give a damn what you say to me
I don't really care what you think of me
Because either way you're gonna think what you believe
There's nothing you could say that would hurt me

I'm better off without you anyway
I thought it would be hard but i'm ok
I don't need you if you're gonna be that way
Because with me it's all or nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
Don't ask why

I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

You're so full of shit
I can't stand the way you have to just can (?) comprehend
I don't think that she can handle it
I'm way over
Over it

I will drink as much lemoncello as i can
And i'll do it again and again
I don't really care what you have to say
Because you know you, know you're nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
Don't ask why

I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better
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