Letra y Significado de AVALANCH, Avalanch

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Through the limits of the sky the silence grows
but here the king of our lives is the sound
it makes the time on a clock
it makes a torment strong
it makes nothing more than all
Through the limits of darkness feel our eyes
sons of a sound servers who want to rise
we'll make the time explode
we'll make people's law
will make a torment strong
it's there where we'll go
it's there where we'll blow
hear the sound of metal talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy
hear the sound of metal talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy
Flying over your heads
crossing invisible seas
blowing right to your soul
giving all that you need
needing all you have
to cross the invisible seas
to go back home through the sky
to the limits of fantasy
Notes free in the air
lies burning in the earth
and god is laughing loud
people need someone
a new force moves your body
your head is banging like crazy
there's no way to go
as if your body wants to explode
Yeh yeah
Move your hands and try touch my air
as if there was somebody over your heads
decibels race note by note breaking your life
metallic energy, stopping, time
[solo: rionda]
Silence comes in the morning
it's like a cold lady
she comes to make us return to reality
only hope give us force
sunlight is burning
and burning is your heart
there are a few changes
it's so hard the road
[solo acoustic: rionda]
Tell me where is our pain
tell me why does our friend
smile when the rays light our song
Tell me when will arrive the day
tell me when we'll win the game
and the song of triumph light our hearts
Tell me where is our pain
tell me why does our friend
smile when the rays light our song
tell me when will arrive the day
tell me when we'll win the game
and the song of triumph light our hearts
There is something to grow
there is somebody who wants
to catch the strongest moment
there's one way to hope
there's one bus on the road
and we ought to go there
[solo: rionda]
There is something to grow
there is somebody who wants
to catch the strongest moment
there's one way to hope
there's one bus on the road
and we ought to go there
There is something to grow
there is somebody who wants
to catch the strongest moment
there's one way to hope
there's one bus on the road
and we ought to go there
Through the limits of the sky the silence grows
but here the king of our lives is the sound
through the limits of darkness feel our eyes
sons of a sound serves who want to rise
It's there where we'll go
it's there where we'll blow
hear the sound of metal
talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy
hear the sound of metal
talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy
it's there where we'll go
it's there where we'll blow
hear the sound of metal
talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy
hear the sound of metal
talking about your dreams
hear the power of our energy

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